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My CNS guest post

I recently had the opportunity to write a guest post for the Cognitive Neuroscience Society (CNS) Blog. My piece centered around lessons I extracted from the prize lecture given by Professor Nancy Kanwisher at this year’s conference. Specifically, I homed in on four insights that went beyond Kanwisher's research, including the value of deep questions, the need to know the literature well, the power of collaboration, and the need for ongoing learning. Please click on this link if you are interested in reading the full article.

CNS homepage featuring my blog post

Why did I write this guest post? I sought the opportunity to write this guest post because I want to develop as a writer. I will elaborate on this point in my next post, but for now I will say that I am recognizing the importance of writing regularly, not once in a blue moon when I am trying to meet a deadline.

When I became interested in writing this CNS guest post I reached out to Lisa Muñoz, the CNS Public Information Officer, and she was receptive and very helpful. I am thankful for the feedback that I received from her. My original draft was vague and abstract, but she encouraged me to tie in specific examples from my own research to make the post more relatable. This was a major improvement. I am also thankful for my postdoc friend Sam Nastase and my husband Phil for their feedback on earlier versions of the drafts.